In addition to cnc punching, laser cutting, and welding, our additional metal fabrication services allow for finished parts and assemblies to be delivered to your door. Machine operators and assemblers are experts at meeting product demands that require forming, insertion, and finishing. Secondary operations such as hardware insertion, machining, edge conditioning, and reaming all come into play based on the project. Precision assembly and quality checks ensure the most successful condition of the finished product is accomplished.


Performance metal fabricators with the latest technological advancements to fulfill insertion requirements  with spot on precision. We pay close attention to detail to establish accurate insertion processes and deliver parts made to your specification.



Powder Coating

Expert powder coating is a multi-step process involving washing, drying, coating, baking, and inspection. Counterpart, Inc. meticulously inspects our finished products to the highest standards for consistent performance in the field.

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Our assemblers deliver a diverse range of parts. With a streamlined process thanks to our autonomous maintenance efforts, we can assemble the product or part you need, fast. We support rapid production schedules, stocking programs, JIT deliveries, and custom packaging solutions.


Request a Quote for Metal Fabricating Services

All the Counterpart, Inc. team needs from you is a description of the project, relevant production files (.PDF, .DXF, .STP, Solid Files), and services you’re looking for. We’ll compile a quote and send it your way.

Counterpart, Inc.

Industrial Metal Fabrication

214 32nd Avenue
Brookings, SD 57006

(t) 605-692-5952
(f) 605-692-3727